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Dania Ewodage is my name. I am a Nigerian, married with children. A profession teacher with years of experience and certified by the C.I.E, I hold a BSc. and Masters degrees both in economics, and the U.K. Inst. of Marketing diploma. I am also a Consultant and Pastor.




Dania Ewodage is my name. I am a Nigerian, married with children. A profession teacher with years of experience and certified by the C.I.E, I hold a BSc. and Masters degrees both in economics, and the U.K. Inst. of Marketing diploma. I am also a Consultant and Pastor.
Lesson Plan IGCSE Business Studies Year 10 Week 12 a Term 1 (3.3.5 Technology and the marketing mix.

Lesson Plan IGCSE Business Studies Year 10 Week 12 a Term 1 (3.3.5 Technology and the marketing mix.

Lesson Plan IGCSE Bus. Studies () Year 10 Week 7 c Term 1, 2017- 2019 Syllabus This lesson plan will save you valuable preparation time. It can be used directly or adapted by any teacher to suite his or her school’s need. It can be used together with the Topics to be covered and the work scheme for syllabus 2017-19. LESSON OBJECTIVE: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to: 3.3.5 describe Technology and the marketing mix: • Define and explain the concept of e-commerce • The opportunities and threats of e-commerce to business and consumers • Use of the internet and social networks for promotion
Marketing strategy Lesson Plan  'MS word doc.' IGCSE Business Studies

Marketing strategy Lesson Plan 'MS word doc.' IGCSE Business Studies

Lesson Plan Topic: Marketing strategy - ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Justify marketing strategies appropriate to a given situation: •• Importance of different elements of the marketing mix in influencing consumer decisions in given circumstances. •• Recommend and justify an appropriate marketing strategy in given circumstances. The nature and impact of legal controls related to marketing: •• Impact of legal controls on marketing strategy, e.g. misleading promotion, faulty and dangerous goods. The opportunities and problems of entering new foreign markets: •• Growth potential of new markets in other countries •• Problems of entering foreign markets, e.g. cultural differences and lack of knowledge •• Benefits and limitations of methods to overcome such problems, e.g. joint ventures, licensing. NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson by adjusting up the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Price Elasticity of Demand (PED)Lesson Plan MS Word doc IGCSE Economics

Price Elasticity of Demand (PED)Lesson Plan MS Word doc IGCSE Economics

Lesson Plan Topic: Price Elasticity of Demand (PED)Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics- ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; LESSON OBJECTIVE: are shared with the student for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Define price elasticity of demand (PED). Calculate PED using the formula and interpret the significance of the result. Draw and interpret demand curve diagrams to show different PED. Determinants of PED -The key influences on whether demand is elastic or inelastic. PED and total spending on a product/revenue -The relationship between PED and total spending on a product/revenue, both in a diagram and as a calculation. Significance of PED - The implications for decision making by consumers, producers and government NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by editing the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
IGCSE Business Studies Revision Notes on Unit 5 Financial information and decisions

IGCSE Business Studies Revision Notes on Unit 5 Financial information and decisions

This Revision Notes on Unit 5 Financial information and decisions will help your students to practice, study and revise as they work towards getting ready for the school and for the IGCSE Business Studies examinations on the current. Teachers can use it to engage Students’ for meaningful learning. And to guide students as they study this topic. It covers all aspects of this topic in the syllabus with class activities, questions and answers to practice the principles revised. It will instill a good knowledge and understanding of this topic.
Business finance needs and sources micro finance Crowd funding ’ppt' IGCSE Bus Studies and Economics

Business finance needs and sources micro finance Crowd funding ’ppt' IGCSE Bus Studies and Economics

Business finance needs and sources micro finance Crowd funding ’ppt’ IGCSE Business Studies & Economics. I have consistently produced A*s, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date notes. *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. ‘Class Activities.’ with Answers.’ Lesson Objectives; At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to; Identify the need for business finance: • The main reasons why businesses need finance, e.g. start-up capital, capital for expansion and additional working capital • Understand the difference between short-term and long-term finance needs. The main sources of finance: • Internal sources and external sources with examples • Short-term and long-term sources with examples, e.g. overdraft for short-term and debt or equity for long-term finance. • Importance of alternative sources of capital, e.g. micro-finance, crowd-funding • The main factors considered in making the financial choice, e.g. size and legal form of business, amount required, length of time, existing loans. • Recommend and justify appropriate source(s) of finance in given circumstances. ‘Class Activities.’ with 'solution.’
Analysis of  Accounts, Profitability Measures, & Acid Test Ratios. 'ppt'   IGCSE Business Studies.

Analysis of Accounts, Profitability Measures, & Acid Test Ratios. 'ppt' IGCSE Business Studies.

Analysis of Accounts, Profitability Measures, & Acid Test Ratios. * ’ppt’ IGCSE Business Studiess. I have consistently produced A*s, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date notes. *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. ‘Class Activities.’ with Answers.’ Lesson Objectives; At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to; Profitability: • The concept and importance of profitability. Liquidity: • The concept and importance of liquidity. How to interpret the financial performance of a business by calculating and analyzing profitability ratios and liquidity ratios: • Gross profit margin • Profit margin • Return on Capital Employed • Current ratio • Acid test ratio Why and how accounts are used: • Needs of different users of accounts and ratio analysis • How users of accounts and ratio results might use information to help make decisions, e.g. whether to lend to or invest in the business. ‘Class Activities with Answers.’
3 in 1 Business Studies Year 11 P 2 Mock Exam Case Study Questions Answers Work Sheet 2018 Opt. B

3 in 1 Business Studies Year 11 P 2 Mock Exam Case Study Questions Answers Work Sheet 2018 Opt. B

Business Studies 0450/2 Paper 2 Mock Examination Case Study Questions/Work Sheet / Answers also double as a revision Work sheet for IGCSE 2018. It will save you valuable time and the trouble of searching for answers as you prepare your students for the coming examination. The option draws questions from recent years. Use as a preset exam question for your school. All you have to do is copy the file, replace the cover page, delete the Mark Scheme and you have a ready to use question paper. You can use the original file as question paper and mark scheme. Use as an Interactive Work sheet for your students, simply shift the questions and answers to another page(s) within the file, print them out and give to student to work with. Alternatively, project the required questions for student to work on and when they are done expose to them, the mark scheme.
Unit 4.1.1 Inventories (stocks) Control and Lean ProductionIGCSE – Business Studies

Unit 4.1.1 Inventories (stocks) Control and Lean Production IGCSE – Business Studies

Whole Lesson: A whole lesson on this topic as stated. It is all you need to teach on this topic for IGCSE Business Studies syllabus 2017 - 2019. It is good for Teaching and Students’ note taking and class works. Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: explain why businesses hold inventories (stocks) explain the concept of lean production; how to achieve it, e.g. Kaizen, Just-in-time inventory control and Cell production. benefits of lean production. Do the **Class Activity and Exam Practice Questions.
3 in 1 Business Studies Year 11 P 2 Mock Exam Case Study Questions Answers Work Sheet 2018 Opt. A

3 in 1 Business Studies Year 11 P 2 Mock Exam Case Study Questions Answers Work Sheet 2018 Opt. A

Business Studies 0450/2 Paper 2 Mock Examination Case Study Questions/Work Sheet and answers also double as a revision Work sheet for IGCSE 2018. It will save you valuable time and the trouble of searching for answers as you prepare your students for the coming examination. The option draws questions from recent years Use as a preset exam question for your school All you have to do is copy the file, replace the cover page, delete the Mark Scheme and you have a ready to use question paper. You can use the original file as question paper and mark scheme. As an Interactive Work sheet for your students, simply separate the questions and answers that you need to another page(s), print them out and give to student to work with. Alternatively, project the required questions for student to work on and when they are done expose to them, the mark scheme.
Marketing Strategy Legal Control & Marketing Budget 'ppt', IGCSE Business Studies

Marketing Strategy Legal Control & Marketing Budget 'ppt', IGCSE Business Studies

Complete Lesson. **Topic: ** Marketing Strategy Legal Control & Marketing Budget ‘ppt’, ** IGCSE Business Studies syllabus. *.Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. Class Activities with Answers . Lesson Objectives; At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to; Explain the meaning of Marketing strategy. Justify marketing strategies appropriate to a given situation. • Importance of different elements of the marketing mix in influencing consumer decisions in given circumstances. • Recommend and justify an appropriate marketing strategy in given circumstances. Identify and explain the nature and impact of legal controls related to marketing. • Impact of legal controls on marketing strategy, e.g. misleading promotion, faulty and dangerous goods. • The Marketing budget. ‘Class Activities with Answers.’
4.1.3 How Technology has changed Production Methods                                      IGCSE – B

4.1.3 How Technology has changed Production Methods IGCSE – B

A whole lesson on this topic as stated. It is all you need to teach on this topic for IGCSE Business Studies syllabus 2017 - 2019. It is good for Teaching and Students’ note taking and class works. Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 4.1.3 describe how technology has changed production methods, e.g. using computers in manufacturing and design • Benefits of increasing efficiency and how to increase it, e.g. increasing productivity by automation and technology, improved labour skills. • Do the ‘Test Yourself Questions and Exam Practice Questions’.
Achieving Quality Production  ’ppt’  IGCSE Business Studies

Achieving Quality Production ’ppt’ IGCSE Business Studies

Complete Lesson. Achieving Quality Production * ’ppt’ IGCSE Business Studies. I have consistently produced A*s, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date notes, *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn. Questions at the end. Answers provided. *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. ‘Class Activities.’ with Answers.’ Lesson Objectives; At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to; Why quality is important and how quality production might be achieved: • What quality means and why it is important for all businesses. • The concept of quality control and how businesses implement quality control. • The concept of quality assurance and how this can be implemented. ‘Class Activities’ with ‘Answers.’
Place - Marketing Mix 'ppt' IGCSE Business Studies

Place - Marketing Mix 'ppt' IGCSE Business Studies

Complete Lesson. Topic: Place - Marketing Mix ‘ppt’ * IGCSE Business Studies syllabus. *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. Test Yourself Questions ‘Class Activities.’ with Answers.’ Lesson Objectives; At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to; Explain the term Place (distribution channels): • Advantages and disadvantages of different channels, e.g. use of wholesalers, retailers or direct to consumers • Recommend and justify an appropriate distribution channel in given circumstances ‘Test Yourself Questions.’ Class Activities’ with ‘Answers.’
The Purpose, Nature of Business Activity Specialization & Added value Work Sheet IGCSE Bus. Studies.

The Purpose, Nature of Business Activity Specialization & Added value Work Sheet IGCSE Bus. Studies.

Work Sheet: Topic: The purpose and nature of business activity, Importance of specialization, and Added Value. ‘MS Word.’ IGCSE Business Studies. Syudies syllabus. Engage your pupils, relax, and simply guide them. All you need to do is print out the part you want to use, Explain and/or discuss the sub topic for 5 - 10 minutes and watch them learn by themselves, as they work on the tasks. Answers provided. Content •• Concepts of needs, wants, scarcity and opportunity cost •• Importance of specialization •• Purpose of business activity •• The concept of adding value and how added value can be increased.
Work Sheet for IGCSE Business Studies  Methods and Problems of Measuring Business Size

Work Sheet for IGCSE Business Studies Methods and Problems of Measuring Business Size

A Work Sheet tailored to meet the IGCSE Business Studies 0450 syllabus for 2020, 2021 and 2022 exam requirements. The activities in it should cover more than one or two lessons. Assuredly, it will help you to fully engage your key stage 4 students during lessons as well prepare them for the ‘A and A* grades’ in the final examinations. All you need to do is print out the part of the work sheet you want to use, explain and/or discuss the sub topic for no more than 5 - 10 minutes and guide the students as they work on the tasks. They would scarcely need to consult with their text books and they will learn by themselves. Content: 1.3.2 The methods and problems of measuring business size: e.g. number of people employed, value of output, capital employed and market share. (profit is not a method of measuring business size) • Limitations of methods of measuring business size
Unit 4.2.3 Break - Even Analysis IGCSE - Business Studies and Economics

Unit 4.2.3 Break - Even Analysis IGCSE - Business Studies and Economics

Whole Lesson: A whole lesson and this is all you need to teach on this topic for IGCSE Business Studies and Economics syllabus 2017 - 2019. It is good for Teachers and Students and adequate as a note for student to copy in the class or at home. Parents can also use to help their children to improve their proficiency on the subject. Students can be allowed to consult their books while doing the case study question. Lesson Objectives At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 4.2.3 Explain, interpret and use a simple break-even chart: • Explain the concept of break even • Construct, complete or amend a simple break-even chart • Interpret a given chart and use it to analyse a situation • Use a chart to help make simple decisions, e.g. impact of higher price • Understand the limitations of break-even charts Do the Class Activity and Case Study Questions with Answers at the end of the presentation.
Work Sheet for IGCSE Business Studies Business Growth and Business Failure

Work Sheet for IGCSE Business Studies Business Growth and Business Failure

A Work Sheet tailored to meet the IGCSE Business Studies 0450 syllabus for 2020, 2021 and 2022 exam requirements. The activities in it should cover more than one or two lessons. Assuredly, it will help you to fully engage your key stage 4 students during lessons as well prepare them for the ‘A and A* grades’ in the final examinations. All you need to do is print out the part of the work sheet you want to use, explain and/or discuss the sub topic for no more than 5 - 10 minutes and guide the students as they work on the tasks. They would scarcely need to consult with their text books and they will learn by themselves. Content: 1.3.3 Why some businesses grow and others remain small: • Why the owners of a business may want to expand the business • Different ways in which businesses can grow • Problems linked to business growth and how these might be overcome • Why some businesses remain small. 1.3.4 Why some (new or established) businesses fail: • Causes of business failure, e.g. lack of management skills, changes in the business environment, liquidity problems • Why new businesses are at a greater risk of failing.
Market Failure. Private & Social Costs & Benefits Public and Private Spending, 'ppt'

Market Failure. Private & Social Costs & Benefits Public and Private Spending, 'ppt'

Complete Lesson. Market Failure. Private & Social Costs & Benefits Public and Private Spending * ’ppt’ IGCSE Economics. I have consistently produced A*s, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date notes, *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn. Questions at the end. Answers provided. *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. ‘Class Activities.’ with Answers.’ Lesson Objectives; At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to; Define market failure and the key terms associated with market failure: public good, merit good, demerit good, social benefits, external benefits, private benefits, social costs, external costs, private costs. Causes of market failure - With respect to public goods, merit and demerit goods, external costs and external benefits, abuse of monopoly power and factor immobility. Examples of market failure with respect to these areas only. Consequences of market failure - The implications of misallocation of resources in respect of the over consumption of demerit goods and goods with external costs, and the under consumption of merit goods and goods with external benefits. Note: diagrams of demand and supply relating to market failure are not required.
Business Studies and Economics Formulas

Business Studies and Economics Formulas

This package is for both teachers and students who want to quickly access ready to use formulas in their teaching or study time. It will enable users to overcome the challenges of having to cram the formulas. The formulas will become a part of them because every time they visit the pages they will be opportuned to take glances at more than one formula thus becoming familiar with most of the and so they can easily recall the formulas in the cause of time
Business Studies Exam. with Mark Schemes, Year 10 Papers 1 n 2  Nov.Dec, Term 1, 2017 / 18

Business Studies Exam. with Mark Schemes, Year 10 Papers 1 n 2 Nov.Dec, Term 1, 2017 / 18

Strategic questions and mark schemes package for Business Studies to help teachers prepare students for JGCSE grades A* - C. It is IGCSE syllabuses 2016 - 2018 based and useful especially for teachers who want a ready exam questions to orientate and instill confidence in their students for excellent IGCSE final exams performance . It provides questions for IGCSE papers 1 and 2 exams and save teachers valuable time used up in setting standard exam questions and mark schemes. Paper 1 covers short case study questions on business activity, government economic influence, added value, to business units, etc. while paper 2 has a full IGCSE case study. Teachers should study this case study with students during the term and assist them to answer the questions correctly according to the mark scheme but without letting them know that it is a part of their exam questions. In this way, he will develop the students' confidence ahead of time, preparing them for A* - C grades depending on their levels of ability.